Category: WordPress

  • Helping Others to Help Myself

    Helping Others to Help Myself

    Last month I undertook an ambitious help-desk tour with the WordPress Orlando community. The goal was to meet with local WordPress users in a casual coffeehouse environment and help them with any questions that they had about their websites. Each meetup occurred over four hours at a different coffeehouse each day, with the goal of…

  • 11 Years of WordPress

    11 Years of WordPress

    Today marks the 11th Anniversary of WordPress being unleashed upon the world. I’ve personally been working with it for about six years, since the summer of 2008. While my first sites are not online anymore, I remember that they weren’t that great. The struggle to get started with using WordPress was great for me in…

  • And That’s Why You Always Manage Your Spam

    And That’s Why You Always Manage Your Spam

    While working on migrating a client site last week, I saw that their queue of 70,000+ spam comments had ballooned their database to such outrageous proportions that it was difficult to move servers and retain anything useful without clearing it out first. Of course, trying to get these files to and from shared hosting servers…

  • Comments on Live Site Being Sent to Staging Site

    Comments on Live Site Being Sent to Staging Site

    If y’all weren’t aware, I’m a big fan of my site host, WP Engine. One of the coolest features that their service has (in addition to built in security, caching, CDN and backups), is the ability to make a staging version of your site with a single click, and copy the staging version to your…

  • 10 Years of WordPress

    10 Years of WordPress

    As most of the people who would be reading this blog would know by now, today is the 10th Anniversary of the first relase of WordPress. All over the world, people are taking some time today to reflect upon this milestone, and of their time with this software. Even while celebrating Memorial Day here in…

  • WordPress is Secure

    WordPress is Secure

    The following is a slightly altered response that I gave to a potential client about the perceived security differences between WordPress and other CMS’ such as Drupal and Joomla. I’ve added a few links and a bit of my personal snark here to ward off a few comments. WordPress is a stable and secure CMS,…

  • WordCamp Miami 2013 & My Lack of Sleep

    WordCamp Miami 2013 & My Lack of Sleep

    WordCamp Miami this year was a whirlwind of an experience for me. Three days, seven tracks, close to fifty speakers and over forty-two hours without sleep left quite the impression on me. New and old friends alike were seen, stories were shared and lessons were learned. I may have entered exhausted and done nothing but…

  • WordCamp Atlanta 2013 Roundup

    WordCamp Atlanta 2013 Roundup

    This past weekend was WordCamp Atlanta. This was my first time attending, as well as my first time staying in the city. While the city itself wasn’t quite as pedestrian friendly in places as I’d have liked it to be, and those legendary potholes really do exist, the conference was excellent. Throughout the weekend I…

  • What is the Difference Between PHP, HTML and CSS Anyway?

    While the following post is geared more toward beginners, and not the standard fare for this blog, I’m working up a more basic talk for non-developers to give a jumping off point for what we actually do to someone that wants to make sense of a basic WordPress site theme. There is no way that…

  • 2012 Into 2013 – Successes and Failures

    The end of the year is here! Rather, by the time this is posted, the beginning of 2013 will be upon us. For the standard re-examination that comes with the conclusion of a calendar cycle, keep reading. 2012 was a time of many changes for me, both personal and professional. I’ve come to realize that…

  • WordCamp Orlando 2012 Writeup

    WordCamp Orlando 2012 Writeup

    I was one of the lead organizers of WordCamp Orlando, which was held on 1 December 2012. We ran a full day of WordPress developer and user networking, a full roster of distinguished speakers from the community who served both the novice and advanced users in their talks, and an overview of the platform and…

  • Making Your Own Excerpts

    Making Your Own Excerpts

    There are plenty of reasons that you would want to use excerpts of posts. If you run a site that has a lot of lengthy posts, and want each to be showcased individually, then your posts page may benefit from the use of excerpts for display. An excerpt is a short intro to the post,…