Category: Tutorials

  • How to Display Links in Print Mode on Your Website

    How to Display Links in Print Mode on Your Website

    How to make print styles with CSS media queries to include a URL to a link in your site content when printed.

  • Homebrew Saves Me Time Every Day

    Homebrew Saves Me Time Every Day

    I don’t remember exactly when I started using Homebrew, but I know that I had been using a Mac as my regular computer for a while and wanted an alternative to manage dev tools. Homebrew would turn out to be my first foray into the concept and practice of package management, and it’s been tremendously…

  • Creating a Homebrew Workflow with Alfred on MacOS

    Creating a Homebrew Workflow with Alfred on MacOS

    One of the first suggestions that I was given when I switched from Windows to Mac was to install and use Alfred, a productivity app for Mac OS X. I have to thank Mason James for the suggestion, as Alfred has been an integral part of my Mac usage ever since. Tomorrow I’ll give an…

  • My Totally Great Guide to Managing Email Like a Pro

    My Totally Great Guide to Managing Email Like a Pro

    This morning I read a new article from Joshua A. Krisch posted to called “Why Email Is So Stressful, According To Science”. As the headline makes clear, the author believes that email anxiety is one of the biggest causes of stress for the average office worker. Everyone seems to have their own system for…

  • Securing Yourself and Your Business – A Basic Primer

    Securing Yourself and Your Business – A Basic Primer

    I’m giving a talk this weekend at Florida DrupalCamp on some basic personal security tips. The focus isn’t on development security, or on securing Drupal projects, but instead is meant to be applicable to pretty much everybody. If you spend any time on the internet, this guide can offer some help to you. First: Why…

  • Bash scripting to automate site builds with WP-CLI

    Bash scripting to automate site builds with WP-CLI

    I told myself that I would endeavor to create a project using an entirely new-to-me technology every month, and on the last possible day in January I’m doing a writeup on a bit of bash and wp-cli code written for last week’s WordPress Orlando Meetup. While I didn’t quite hit the mark, I did learn…

  • Automating New Sites with VVV, VV, Blueprints, and Bash

    Automating New Sites with VVV, VV, Blueprints, and Bash

    Who wants to start building new sites quicker? Whether for yourself, for friends, or for clients, you have probably set up more than a few WordPress sites by now. There are probably quite a few things that you do on a regular basis for those sites, right? Here’s a few things that I do: Pull…

  • Installing Vagrant, Virtual Box, VVV, & VV On Mac

    Installing Vagrant, Virtual Box, VVV, & VV On Mac

    I’ve been using Vagrant with VirtualBox for local development for over a year now, after introduction to the tools on top of Varying Vagrant Vagrants at a WordCamp. It’s become my default standard for starting new WordPress sites, and it’s more highly accessible than I realized at the time that I first tried it, though…

  • Comments on Live Site Being Sent to Staging Site

    Comments on Live Site Being Sent to Staging Site

    If y’all weren’t aware, I’m a big fan of my site host, WP Engine. One of the coolest features that their service has (in addition to built in security, caching, CDN and backups), is the ability to make a staging version of your site with a single click, and copy the staging version to your…

  • What is the Difference Between PHP, HTML and CSS Anyway?

    While the following post is geared more toward beginners, and not the standard fare for this blog, I’m working up a more basic talk for non-developers to give a jumping off point for what we actually do to someone that wants to make sense of a basic WordPress site theme. There is no way that…

  • How to Build a Responsive Portfolio Site – Part 2

    In my last tutorial post, I described the reasoning for switching to a responsive theme for my website, as well as the logic that went into some changes that I made in layout. Going through the thought process, I’m now going to describe in a bit of detail how I created the responsive portions of…

  • The Process of Building a Responsive Portfolio Website – Part 1

    The Process of Building a Responsive Portfolio Website – Part 1

    I recently decided that my personal blog and portfolio needed a bit of a face lift. The website has had minor fixes added to patch holes, changed quickly in a moment of need, or left to flounder for months at a time. Rather than going in and getting it “just enough”, I decided to fully…