Month: May 2018

  • My Ideal Note Service

    My Ideal Note Service

    I wrote recently about using Boostnote, and why I’ve chosen that over other apps for the time being. It is not perfect though, and I’ve been thinking through all of the things that a perfect writing and reading app would have for me. There are a few things that I’d love to have, and while…

  • New Communities Can Be Overwhelming

    I’ve been paying a lot more attention to the IndieWeb space this year, with the intention of revamping my lifelogging site to both include more services that I still use (and remove the fitness tracking that I decided to stop), as well as become a repository for webmentions. I started using webmentions on this site,…

  • WordPress 15th Birthday Party!

    Tonight we hosted our WordPress 15th Anniversary party at Geek Easy. Yesterday I talked about my introduction to WordPress, but today we just hung out. For the rest of the day I worked on some IndieAuth integration setup, and some prep work for a new theme. Then I realized that I didn’t blog today, and…

  • WordPress is 15! Here’s how I found this community.

    WordPress is 15! Here’s how I found this community.

    15 years ago today, WordPress first became available. As WordPress swiftly moves towards its next iteration, with the Gutenberg editor part of core, I want to look back a bit on my time with WordPress. I had been a professional web developer for several years before I discovered WordPress. My Javascript skills weren’t (and I’d…

  • How do you design a site?

    I’ve been considering ways that I can up the design of my site, now that I’m back to blogging a bit. I’m not much of a designer myself, and while I appreciate a good minimal layout, somehow it’s harder to pull off something that looks good with fewer elements on the page. When I’m working…

  • The Value of a Newsletter

    Through the past two weeks, the combination of swapping over email addresses and GDPR have given me a ton of reminders of the random places that have my email addresses, including services that I used once years ago and services that I don’t want to use anymore. But I’ve also gotten plenty of newsletters that…

  • Breaking Servers and Learning By Trial

    I mentioned in the past that I run my own mastodon instance. You can find it at, where I’m ostensibly creating a community for LGBTQIA+ folks who are interested in technology. I chose to wait until this morning to update Mastodon to v2.4.0 on the server that I host this instance at, thinking that…

  • Boostnote – The Note Taking App That I’m Currently Using

    Boostnote – The Note Taking App That I’m Currently Using

    I’ve used a lot of note taking apps over the years. I like to keep my notes available on multiple devices, and ensure that they are backed up in multiple places so that I don’t lose them. I try to type everything that I post on any of my websites in a separate program first,…

  • What I’ve Learned Hosting the WordPress Orlando Meetup For Almost Seven Years

    What I’ve Learned Hosting the WordPress Orlando Meetup For Almost Seven Years

    I’ve been organizing the WordPress Orlando Meetup since near the start, all the way back in late 2011. For me that was my first introduction to the idea of a community around WordPress, and that led to my involvement in my first WordCamp in 2012. Since then I’ve traveled to dozens of WordCamps, speaking, volunteering,…

  • Homebrew Saves Me Time Every Day

    Homebrew Saves Me Time Every Day

    I don’t remember exactly when I started using Homebrew, but I know that I had been using a Mac as my regular computer for a while and wanted an alternative to manage dev tools. Homebrew would turn out to be my first foray into the concept and practice of package management, and it’s been tremendously…

  • Updating Websites is Tiring

    Do you know what’s more tiring than updating all of your personal information and the information on all of the websites that you can think to update? Doing that while working on migrating clients to a new maintenance platform, one at a time. Do you know what’s even more tiring than that? Determining that the…

  • You May Have Noticed a Domain Change

    So I haven’t been secret about it, but I also haven’t been discussing it a ton since I was waiting for it all to get sorted out. I’ve been working on getting my name changed since around September of last year, and I’ve finally begun getting updated official IDs and updating all of my internet…