Month: August 2016

  • This Week in Web #34

    This Week in Web #34

    Happy Birthday Internet! Happy Birthday Web! Several Notable birthdays occurred this week. The World Wide Web celebrated its 25th anniversary on Tuesday. Yesterday marked the 25th birthday of the Linux Foundation as well. The first test of wireless networking and protocols from ARPAnet that would become the Internet were conducted 40 years ago tomorrow. The…

  • This Week in Web #33

    This Week in Web #33

    We Need to Make Digital Data That Dies Like Us Michael Byrne, Motherboard There are a lot of services that cater to those who want to have a final say in their digital lives. Is deleting that data on demand the best option? It’s a task that is sudden and abrupt, final and absolute. This…

  • This Week in Web #32

    This Week in Web #32

    It’d Be Crazy Easy for Brazil to Block the Web Right Now April Glaser, Wired The world is watching Brazil right now due to the whirlwind of (partly literal) garbage surrounding the Olympics. That might be enough to deter them from shutting down the internet in the country (and the impeachment proceedings of their president…

  • This Week in Web #31

    This Week in Web #31

    Pokémon Go. Or Don’t. I uninstalled Pokémon Go this week. I share the opinion of Eevee himself that the game is inherently broken. Don’t get me wrong. The game works at what it does really, really well. It’s a testament to the power of the franchise and the gamification system that even without servers always…