Month: June 2013

  • And That’s Why You Always Manage Your Spam

    And That’s Why You Always Manage Your Spam

    While working on migrating a client site last week, I saw that their queue of 70,000+ spam comments had ballooned their database to such outrageous proportions that it was difficult to move servers and retain anything useful without clearing it out first. Of course, trying to get these files to and from shared hosting servers…

  • Comments on Live Site Being Sent to Staging Site

    Comments on Live Site Being Sent to Staging Site

    If y’all weren’t aware, I’m a big fan of my site host, WP Engine. One of the coolest features that their service has (in addition to built in security, caching, CDN and backups), is the ability to make a staging version of your site with a single click, and copy the staging version to your…

  • This Man’s Take on Women in Tech

    This Man’s Take on Women in Tech

    Last week, several women’s rights organizations began a campaign to have advertisers pull their marketing budgets from Facebook, in response to domestic violence against women images that were getting posted. As of this writing, 15 major companies are reported to have done so due to this outcry. Very quickly I’m going to jump out of…